Dickens and medicine : an exhibition of books,...

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Libros General Dickens and medicine : an exhibition of books, maniscripsts and prints to mark the centenary of his death: with an... (1970) - THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE OF THE HSTORY OF MEDICINE
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Título: Dickens and medicine : an exhibition of books, maniscripsts and prints to mark the centenary of his death: with an introduction and bibliography / The Wellcome Institute of the Histoty of Medicine, the library

Publicación: London : The Wellcome Institute of the istory of Medicine, 1970

Descripción física: 32 p. : il. ; 23 cm

Serie: (Exhibition Catalogue ; 5)

Materia / geográfico / evento: Dickes, Charles-Homenaje Icono con lupa
Medicina Icono con lupa

Serie secundaria: Exhibition Catalogue ; 5 Icono con lupa

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros

Derechos: The Public Domain Mark (PDM): http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/

Otros temas relacionados:
Homenaje Icono con lupa
Dickes, Charles Icono con lupa


Real Academia Nacional de Medicina — Signatura: M-10-09-M-04-05 — Código de barras: 1010221

Préstamo: DisponibleDisponible