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Periódicos y Revistas General Chirurgie (1906) - CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE MEDECINE (15º: 1906: Lisbonne)
DisponibleDisponible Ejemplares

Publicación: Lisbonne : [s.n.], 1906 (Imprimerie Adolpho de Mendonça)

Descripción física: v. ; 26 cm

Comienzo / cese: Section IX

Notas: Contiene: Introduction to the study of the fundamental cause of splanchnoptosis - Abdominal incompetence: A developmental factor -- Presentation -- Summary - a) Résumé b) Main lines of argument -- Study of evolution of the human abdomen leads back to earlier vertebrate series, and forward to postnatal development -- Outline of evolution of vertebrate abdomen, including man, showing continuity and correlations -- Outline of evolution of specific human abdomen -- Effecto of abdominal incompetence on the mechanics of respiration -- Anatomical and physiological variations predisposing some of the viscera to displacement; and the reaction of this predisposition to certain frequent pathological conditions -- Spontaneous tendency of the trunk and extremities towards the development of such structural variations as are called pathologial: developmental deformities -- Evolution towards two main types of human figures, depending upon variations in these correlations -- Conclusions / Agnes C. Vietor.-- Págs. 279-304.-- Deuxième partie - Comptes rendus des séances

Materia / geográfico / evento: Cirugía Icono con lupa
Abdomen Icono con lupa

Autores secundarios: VIETOR, Agnes C Icono con lupa


Tipo de publicación: Periódicos y Revistas Periódicos y Revistas

Derechos: The Public Domain Mark (PDM):


Real Academia Nacional de Medicina — Ubicación: 1 — Signatura: 9-3º A S. Gobierno /10 — Código de barras: 1031800

Préstamo: DisponibleDisponible